The Americas
Since my pages cover mainly bicycle touring in Europe, I would recommend also having a look at other linkpages that are more into North- and Southamerican bicycle tours.
- Across Canada: 7089 km in 28 days (diary, map, gallery, home) [Erik Straarup 1999]
- Wintertour on the Dempster Highway [Raymond Schmidt 1999]
- Northern Greenland during the winter [Andreas von Heßberg 1992]
- Bicycle trip NW USA, Canada and Alaska: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) [Minko Oh 1996]
- Canada (home, home2) [Thomas Schleicher 1997] ? ? ?
- Rocky Mountains in Canada [Anja de Graaf & Paul van Roekel 1991]
- Banff (Western Canada) [Kaitlin Duck Sherwood 1993]
- Canadian Cycling Adventure ? [Grant & Renee Dodea 1998]
- Canadian Rockies Icefields Rambler Bicycle Tour [Bruce Wright & Kerie Hitt 2000]
- Mexico ? (home) [Tracey Maund & Colin Champion 1989]
- Andes (home) [Tracey Maund & Colin Champion 2005]
- Biketreks high Andes expedition: Northern Chile and Bolivia ? [Tom Phillips & Phil Whiting 1995]
- Patagonia [Erhard Kraus 1998]
- Jamaica: "no problem tour" ? [Charles Hansen 1999]
- Against the wind for four weeks in Patagonia [Waltraud Schulze]
- Ecuador ? [Anja de Graaf & Paul van Roekel 1993]
- Full Circle ? (diary ? ) [Chris Snyder & Natalie Edery 1996-1998]
- Canadian Maritime Provinces (map) [Bob Adair 1999]
- Across Canada: 7089 km in 28 days (info & gear, route, gallery, home) [Erik Straarup 1999]
- Bike It Solo: Panamerican Highway: Alaska to Argentina in record time [Emmanuel Gentinetta 2000]
- The longest bicycle tour of the world (home ? ) [Heinz Stücke 1962-2002]
- Latin America ? (no frames ? ) [Wolfgang Schmidt & Christine Schäffner 1999-2001]
- From the Seat of a Bicycle: Alaska-Argentinia [Jim Middleton 2000-2001]
- Alaska to South America [James Middleton 2002]
- Patagonia ? [Mark Robbins 2002]
- 4 weeks in Patagonia [Waltraud Schulze & Andreas von Heßberg 1995]
- Chile & Argentina ? [Tracey Maund & Colin Champion 1997]
- Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and further through South America (no frames, home) [Klaus Kuras 2002]
- The Transamazon Highway: A 3000 km bicycle tour through the heart of the Amazon [Micha 1999]
- Coast of Brazil from Porto Seguro to Salvador [Mary Mahy & Andrew Hedges 2001]
- South America by Tandem (no frames, home) [Sebastian Burger 2001]
- Bike around the world (old) [Tim & Cindie Travis 2002-2004]
- World trip: North America, South America, Central Europe, Hungary, Greece, Turkey [Caryl & Brian Bergeron 1995-2002]
- Peru (home) [Tracey Maund & Colin Champion 2002]
- downtheroad: around the world in seven years (South America) [Tim & Cindie Travis]
- Tour de Cuba [Kevin Foster 1996]
- Southamerica: Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Venezuela ? (main ? , home ? ) [Sascha Normann 2003]
- Tandem: Ushuaia - Inuvik ? (home) [Gwendal Castellan & Tania Lo 2004/2005]
- Ecuador to Southern Argentina (home) [Kristie & Stuart Wickes 1999/2000]
- A Solo Bicycle Tour Around The World [Tony Woo 2003-2004]
- Chile: Carretera Austral (home) [Maurizio Billo 2005]
- Bicycle world tour: South America (home) [Eric Wehrheim 2005-]
- Yellowhead Highway II ? (part 2: Jasper to Radium Hot Springs ? , home ? ) [Barb & Randall Angell 2004]
- Tony's ongoing bike trip [Tony Woo 1995-1996, 2003-2004, 2005-2006]
- Amazon Pilgrim ? [Doug Gunzelmann 2009]
- The Tour of Gondwana [Michael Ayers 2005-2008]
- 29'000 km in record time [Vincent Cox 2010]
- Cycling in the Oriente, a trip in Eastern Cuba (home) [Peter de Rijk & Annemarie Verhallen 2003]
- The Gringo Tour: Los Angeles - Buenos Aires .... one year on the road, 23'000 km and 240'000 alti meter (home) [Max Peer 2009-2010]
- one year of cycling (USA, Australia, New Zealand, India, home, home2) [Mike Vermeulen 2001/2002]
- Two traveling Turtles: Canada to Mexico & more [Martin and Pierrette 2012-2013]
- Cuba ? [Alastair Smith 2000]
- South America: Ushuaia - Uruguay - Amazonas - Venezuela - Columbia [Ryan Parton 2004]
Other Links

- Descriptions of European tours [Karl Brodowsky]
- South America Bicycle Touring Links [Micha]
- Trento Bike Pages [Thomas Driemeyer & Andreas Caranti]
- South America Bicycle Touring Links [Micha]
- German tour descriptions [Karl Brodowsky]
- tour descriptions in Scandinavian languages [Karl Brodowsky]
- tour descriptions in other languages [Karl Brodowsky]