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Find Countries and Regions for Bicycle Tours on the Map

Please click on whatever country you want to check out for bicycle touring reports.
Schweden Norwegen Finnland Dänemark Island Rußland Weißrußland Ukraine Ungarn Kroatien Bosnien-Herzogowina Suedosteuropa Deutschland Österreich Schweiz Slowenien Polen Baltikum Tschechische Republik Slowakei Italien Italien Sardinien Spanien Portugal Griechenland Irland Beneluxländer Frankreich Frankreich Korsika England, Schottland, Wales

For the purposes of these pages I found it conveniant to have the European countries grouped in the following way:

Bicycle tours in other continents do not appear on this map. Mayby I will add more maps for this later.

Whenever you click on a country, you will find yourself in the group to which that country belongs and see all (English) bicycle tours I have covering this part of Europe. You will find most countries by their flags, unfortunately I was not able to include Luxemburg, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican as well, because these countries would cover much less space than their flags on my map. Sorry for that. Anyway this map is meant to be useful just for the purposes of these pages, so please do not complain about inaccuracies of the map.